Tuesday 26 August 2014

Why do we dress up....

..or more specifically, why do I dress up these days?

I don't really need to as my work these days are rarely about corporate board meetings or trying to impress bankers or government servants. And one has to note that here in Malaysia the office attire is business casual. I.e. a long sleeved shirt and a pair of trousers with or without a necktie depending on how conservative your office is. Occasionally the senior management would be seen with a blazer or a suit jacket (that almost never is used with the suit). Aside from that, you could come in short sleeve shirts and khakis for all the management cares as long as you come to work.

Of course, there are those who are now in the field of communications and multi-media. They could work from home or from any where that there is a power point for our tablet or computer. I also run a business or two but that does not require any sort of formality most of the time with the exception of the occasional meetings here and there. But I still take the trouble to put on a nice dress shirt, a pair of trousers and occasionally throw on a blazer when the temperatures allow me to do so (usually under 33degrees celcius or when I am indoors in air conditioning). Actually, it is pretty important as sometimes, there are unplanned meetings. And you do need to create a good impression most of the time.

Dressing up instills a sense of discipline in which you make sure your attire is prim and proper. It may be of loud colours and lots of textures, patina from shoes and clothing. But it is wonderful to be able to play around with colours and texture. Yes. It is quite close to being a play, this dressing up. Some do it like peacocks (only the male peacocks have that plumage) and are dandy all the way. There is a sense of deluded superiority when you realise that you are actually slightly better dressed that the average man on the street. But it is all in good fun actually. Like a peacock with its feathers and the fact that you are prepared most of the time for more formal meetings even though the mamak shop beckons.

So I dress up because I can and because it is bloody good fun too.

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