The suede driving shoes you see here are ones by Sacoor Brothers. These shoes are my in-house shoes or slippers. Wearing footwear indoors is useful in a house with marble and tiles for flooring which can be cold to the touch on cooler days or when the A/C is running. Driving shoes are useful as slippers as they are usually soft and flexible, therefore easy to slip in and out of.
I also prefer walking short distances in them as these flat heeled shoes with rubber stubs wear out fast if worn regularly outside and for walking about. So for someone who likes shoes to last awhile ( decades if possible) driving shoes are too flimsy for daily wear. Unless you really use them for driving then heading to the club for drinks and straight home they don't really last longer than a few years before the rubber stubs wear down and out. As I said, I prefer my proper shoes to last a long while. So these, get to be my house 'slippers'.